Measure internet speed test
Measure internet speed test

#Measure internet speed test how to

Read next: Ofcom - Broadband buyers to get speed guarantees or be free to leave How to get the most accurate results This data can also be used by the general public to help them compare their current provider against others and of their performance isn't as good as other sin the area, there's a good reason to switch broadband supplier. Most of the tools detailed below create their own reports and league tables to compare the major broadband providers and this data is made available to the ISPs themselves as well as Ofcom to give an overview of the UK's broadband market. The final reason for testing your broadband speed is to help companies improve their services in certain areas. If you want to compare your speeds other your friends or neighbours, it's another good reason to test how fast your broadband is running. The majority of broadband suppliers have peak and off-peak speeds and so at peak times (evening and weekends), they'll reduce speeds so they can ensure no one hogs the bandwidth. You may want to see whether your ISP is throttling your data at certain times of the day. It's important to note that all ISPs describe their limits as "up to" because the actual speeds you'll get will depend on a range of factors, such as how far you are from the exchange, the infrastructure to your home (are the cables in good condition) and of course the equipment you have in your home, such as the router and the devices you're connecting to the internet.

measure internet speed test measure internet speed test measure internet speed test

If your ISP has promised you a certain speed, you'll want to check that's actually what you're getting (or at least if it's close enough to the advertised speed). If a sluggish internet connection isn't enough to convince you to perform a speed test, there's a variety of other reasons you may want to check its actual speed. Our guide to the best tools to text your Internet speed offers you with five options to see how your broadband performs and how it compares to other suppliers in your area, helping you make a more educated decision. Best Hosted Endpoint Protection and Security Software.

Measure internet speed test