Faceless youtube channel ideas reddit
Faceless youtube channel ideas reddit

faceless youtube channel ideas reddit

  • Outreach to established content producers in the niche.
  • Consistent content of several videos a week.
  • In the first couple of weeks, we reached about 10% of the requirement which isn’t bad considering how easy the content is to produce but it’s not what I was hoping for. I’ve had channels get monetization within weeks and others that took the better part of a year. You're just subjected to me talking about niche websites and content marketing. I've nothing to sell, I don't even build a list. I can't post images on JustStart but to follow the case study in more detail (and see the results so far) I have a video on this update. No external traffic or outsourcing, just producing easy videos and (mostly) relying on the algorithm to push it. In this case study, I’m building a channel from scratch in a different way than I would with most faceless YouTube channels. I didn’t manage to keep up with the content production plans but the engagement was through the roof compared to my other channels. The first couple of weeks of this channel has been a little mixed. This place may be a ghost town, but it's our ghost town.
  • "I just started" posts that don't add anything to the community.
  • There is already a sub that caters to these submissions. A shitpost is any post that is overly broad or pointless. If someone doesn't identify their niche or website, don't ask. Revealing their website/niche can invite unwanted comeptition and their right to privacy should be respected. Users who post case studies here are already being generous with their time and information. More detail is better.ĭon't ask others to reveal niche/website. But broad questions like "how do I make an affiliate website" will not be tolerated. If you have a specific question then ask away. Basic questions have likely been answered before. Use the search bar for general questions before posting. If in doubt ask yourself "Am I being a dick?" If the answer is yes, don't do it. This list is not exhaustive and will be amended as needed. No Buyers: Looking to buy an affiliate website? Go do it somewhere else.ĭon't Be a Dick. This includes "mastermind groups - Keep the discussion here so everyone can learn. Any link needs to be accompanied by at least 200 characters.

    faceless youtube channel ideas reddit

    Text posts are active to promote discussion. If you have something to share, then share it.

    faceless youtube channel ideas reddit

    Please use the "report" button for spam or any content that is off topic. If you are new here we recommend browsing through older posts using the search function before posting. If your post can be answered with a simple google search then you will likely be banned. Please do your own research before posting here. Real people take time away from building their own site to answer questions. This is not a sub to handhold beginners through setting up an affiliate website. Attention throwaways and new accounts: A minimum of 10 comment karma is required to post here.

    Faceless youtube channel ideas reddit